Interviewing Linn Bark, our young Swedish writer

linnDear readers,

It is with great pleasure that we introduce you to our talented Swedish writer, Miss. Linn Bark. We recently published her book “Krigetinuti” (Swedish language). Since she lives in Sweden and we are based in Scotland, it was rather difficult to interview her the traditional way. So we came up with the idea of interviewing her over our blog today.

1. To begin with, please tell us a little about yourself.

My name is Linn Bark. I´m 26 years old and I live in Sweden in a small city called Hallstahammar with my family of two young sons and my husband. I work with music, lead choruses, sing, write, illustrate and much more.

2. When did you realize you wanted to be a writer?

I realized very early that I wanted to become a writer. I remember when I was only 10 years old and I wrote a novel of 50 pages which my teacher read in front of the class as the “Morning book”. I remember how proud I was. I see that as the beginning.

3. You recently published your book Krigetinuti (Swedish language) with us. Please tell us about your journey.

I believe the journey has been very interesting. I´ve learned a lot and improved my writing skills. I like that someone could step in and guide me with advice, as Niklas, my mentor did at times.

He didn´t give me the easy way of HOW to fix issues in the book but he gave me the possibility to think on my own if he found something that needed to be fixed in the text. I think that is the most successful way to make another person learn: give the person space to think on their own.

I believe that when you spend your time behind the computer, writing, it´s easy to write in a way that is very obvious to yourself, while it might be hard for others to really see the point you´re trying to make, therefore it can be very nice to have someone that comes with advice at times.

4. How long did it take you to complete writing the book?

Oh, don´t know really, two years?

5. How did this story first occur to you?

It´s a biography about my own life with OCD (Obsessive compulsive disorder) and it all started as a dairy which developed after time…

6. What is the best thing you like about your book?

I like my book because it´s honest. It´s my truth and I like sharing it with others.

7. Did you always want to become a writer?

Yes, always.

8. How many books have you written so far?

“Krigetinuti” is the firstbook that has been published so far but I have a lot of novels which I´ve written that still haven´t seen the light of the day. My computer and old writingbooks are full with stories that might be relevant later on in the future.

9. What is your schedule like when you are writing, and what is your writing corner like?

I sit in a corner in my sofa. I write when I have the right “feeling”, there´s no point writing when you´re in the “wrong mood”. I believe it ends up with meaningless words.

10. What is your favourite genre?

All but horror.

11. What do you think makes a good story?

A story where the person who is reading can relate to the text, I believe, is the winning concept.

12. Every writer has an inspiration. Please tell us who/ what inspired you to write?

My mum is a great inspiration. She is the reason to why I believe in myself. She´s the best. I also write because I love creating stories and own worlds where you can dream away, and where everything is possible. The world seems more endless that way.

13. How do you develop your plots and characters?

I have to visualize and see the person from top to toe in my mind with all his/hers querks. Before I continue my writing I want to have that character all made up in my mind. And because of my bad memory I often make notes about the character. The actions of a character have to speak for that character and I believe it´s a puzzle where all pieces have to fit.

14. Who is your favourite author?

Lisa Marklund.

15. What genre are you reading right now?

I always find biographies very interesting, but at the time I´m not reading anything. I spend my time writing.

16. Do you belong to any writers’ group? If so, which one?

No, not at the time.

17. Of all the characters you have created or encountered, which is your favourite and why?

At the time I´m writing about a hippie: Clay from Nashville. I believe he´s a dude who´s freedom and easy going way with weird comments are very refreshing.

18. Last question before we sign off. WHAT’S NEXT?

I´m writing a children’s book where I illustrate and paint the characters, and write the text. And I´m also writing a story about modern hippies. When I´m in the “serious” and “deep” mood, I write about the hippies and when I feel more easygoing, I write and draw my children’s book. The mood is important!

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